Wanna join with young, passionate, creative and very motivated team? let’s get it done
You’ll see the greatest atmosphere in the team, yes we are friendly, and caring each others :’)
Let say you are Android Programmer, wanna learn about the others technology - such as iOs, Web, Desktop, etc-? we’ve got FREE training for you :D
We can’t wait for 'Wednesday Meeting’, every two weeks, all of us gather together in one place, and share everything, yes everything, not only about your job :)
FREE lunch and LAUGH :)
VACANCY Time!!! *we did this together for minimum once a year.
Birthday? prepare for the party :D
Dota, xBox, PES, Fifa Gamers? let’s join gaming party until midnight. *don’t forget to wake up soon dude. :)
Are you interest in religion, politic, social, language, etc? we always got time for that. :)
The greatest thing is : Every one in this team believe, with Digital Oasis, We will bring the future closer.
Last but not least, We based in Bandung, the greatest place to live and play :)
psssst, only the one who are crazy enough will join us :)
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